Scientific schools of the department. (Main achievements of the school's work in 2017)
The scientific school "Gravimetry" (head Bezvyslyna O.M.) has the following main results for 2017:
- defended candidate's thesis Kozko K.S. "Capacitive gravimeter of automated aviation gravimetric system", Order of SSC №1083 dated January 12, 2017;
is protected doctoral dissertation Kirichuk Yu.V. "Automated Instrumentation Information-Measurement System" », scientific advisor dts., Prof. Bezvyslyna O.M. Order of SSC №1508 dated January 13, 2017.
Published 5 monographs (4 with the stamp of the KPI named after Igor Sikorsky).
5 patents of Ukraine were received, 2 applications for inventions were submitted.
Published only 21 articles: 8 professional, 6 foreign, 7 scientific metric.
The thesis of conferences is published: 22 MNTK, 5 univerity, 13 national, 3 foreign.
Head Bezvyslyna O.M. received the State Prize of Ukraine for 2016 in the field of science and technology. Order of the President No. 101/2017 dated April 7, 2017. The title of the work "Instrument complex of the stabilizer of armament of light armored vehicles".
2. Scientific School "Multicomponent Converters" Head M. Geraimchuk. has the following main results for 2017: 3 paper articles scopus, 1 manual, 3 abstracts.
3.Naukova school "Devices and systems of measuring costs" (head Korobko I.V.) has the following main results for 2017: 1 patent, 3 abstracts. |