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Instrument Research Department

Instrumentation Department (formerly the Department of Precision Mechanics or PTM) was founded 50 years ago in instrument-making department. The efforts of the team of experts was aimed at training specialists who have continue to work in scientific, engineering and design institutions, industrial enterprises in positions "research engineer", "engineer", "engineer test", "engineer manual measurement technology "and others associated with the development, manufacture and operation of instruments and measurement systems.

The whole period of its existence until now Department maintains close contact with academic institutions, research institutes and enterprises of research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. With a powerful scientific and technical potential, the Department carried out these links for joint research projects and commercial agreements on the technical task of scientific institutions and research institutes of NAS of Ukraine, conducted experimental development of prototypes of equipment, trained professionals for research and scientific research institutes Sciences of Ukraine.
Performing scientific research and commercial agreements, including the institutions of NAS of Ukraine, the department carried out by its inherent scientific areas:
The chair has been done by its employees more than 70 research and economic activities in fundamental and applied research.vahozvazhuvalni intelligent devices and systems - Senior Lecturer V. Zaitsevdevelopment and improvement of udaro- vibration protection and precision instruments aircraft - Assoc. Ph.D. Kirichuk UV .;synthesis and development of the theory and experimental foundations of a gravimetric measuring methods with dynamic adjustment - Assoc. Ph.D. Nechay SA, Assoc. Ph.D. Litvinenko P.L .;test equipment and devices, instrument measuring systems - Assoc. Ph.D. Kashperskyy VS .;instruments and instrument components systems, medical devices - Assoc. Ph.D. Matias I.H .;intelligent devices & measuring systems - Assoc. Ph.D. Andreev AV .;algorithmic techniques in devices and systems - Assoc. Ph.D. Zgurovsky LP .;Devices and methods for measurements of current traffic moving objects - Assoc. Ph.D. Dubinets VI .;devices and methods for measuring pressure - Assoc. Ph.D. AK Nikitin, YO graduate Kornev, AV Sihodzynskyy .;energy-saving devices and methods - Assoc. Ph.D. Korobko IV, Assoc. Ph.D. Hryshanova IA Assistant Ph.D. Pysarets AV Kuzmenko graduate student P.K .;development gravimetric measuring instruments and methods - Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine Ph.D. prof. Bezvesilna OM, assistant Ph.D. Tkachenko S., postgraduate Gora EV .;Devices and methods for measuring acceleration of a multi - prof. Ph.D. Herayimchuk ppm .;
One of the most effective means of training, acquainted with scientific achievements and advanced technologies, developed in scientific and research institutes of NAS of Ukraine are conducting production and pre-diploma practice students of these institutions. The direction of practice runs experienced lecturer Assoc. Ph.D. Dubinets VI (Conducted considerable scientific work, held internships abroad: in Lausanne and Dresden University of Technology). For many years the production and pre-diploma practice conducted in such scientific and research institutes: the Institute of Electric them. EO Paton; Institute of Mechanics. SP Tymoshenko; Institute of strength; Institute of Engineering Thermophysics; Institute of fluid mechanics; Institute of Electrodynamics; Institute of Physics; Institute of Cybernetics. VM Glushkov and others. In practice students are actively involved in research and development of new measuring methods in the development of prototypes of devices measuring systems. Many of these developments gets reflected in the students performed term projects, bachelor and diploma projects specialist, master's dissertation work. With the participation of students created new stands in the laboratories of the department, new labs.
Information about scientific research workers of the department published in the periodical of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: "Applied Mechanics", "Problems of Strength", "Applied Geophysics", "electronic design", "Quantum Electronics" Engineering Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and other professional journals WAC.
In addition to magazines, scientific works department staff published as abstracts in materials of scientific conferences, held NAS of Ukraine "KPI" Universities Ukraine. Faculty, graduate students have patents, applying for inventions.
"KPI" has the status of scientific - research institute. KPI Rector Academician MZ Zgurovsky The basic directions of scientific work. Direction "Instrument" on the instrument-making faculty is headed by Dean PSF Ph.D. prof. GS Tymchyk
The Department Instrumentation (SDS), headed by Ph.D. prof. Herayimchuk MD, professors, graduate students and doctoral student conducted research

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