Thursday, 12 September 2024
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Student Life

Student organizations and media resources

In "KPI" is a wide network of organizations that represent the interests of students organize their leisure, scientific research, protection of public interest.
Student organizations

Interclub "KPI"
Scientific community of students and graduate students of NTU "KPI"
Trade union organization of students "KPI"
Student organization BEST Kyiv
Student Council NTU "KPI"
Campus Student Council "KPI"
Career Development Center
Center legal aid
Amateur radio club "Polytechnic"
KPI tourist club "Globe"
Radio KPI: Student Radio
Television KPI: video and videos of events and activities "KPI"
KPI Relax: health, vidpochynkok, food and sports "KPI"
Site "Stop Drugs"
Partnership Forum: a special event where "KPI" represents graduates


On campus there are 20 dormitories, which are more than 13 thousand. Students. Hostels campus for the purpose are divided into 17 dormitories for singles, 2 family residences and 1 dormitory accommodation for graduate students.

Scholarship and welfare of students

Stypendiya - constant cash payments provided regularly (usually monthly) pupils and students of secondary special and higher education institutions, as well as graduate students and doctoral candidates, subject to successful learning. Regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" art. Number 54, Paragraph 2: "Persons who are enrolled in higher education full-time study for the state or local budgets are eligible for social or academic scholarships. Dimensions scholarships order of appointment and payment determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. "

Addressing purpose and deprivation of academic or social scholarships, provide material assistance to Fellows, encouraging the best of them for the success of learning, part social, sporting and scientific activities assigned to the created order of the rector Stipendial Committee of the University, acting in accordance with the approved Regulations on Stipendial Commission KPI named . Igor Sikorsky.

According to the rules of appointment of academic scholarships are academic scholarships:

scholarships based President of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (including personal) appointed by the students, graduate students for the learning outcomes for a particular educational (qualification) level, size and order of appointment are determined by separate regulations;
minimum ordinary (regular) academic scholarships;
minimum ordinary (regular) academic scholarships at a higher rate -studentam enrolled in specialties (majors) The list of professions (specialties) sectors for which there exists a higher student grants approved in due course.
scholarships in higher rate for outstanding academic achievement

Size academic scholarships for students determined based on established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine minimum ordinary (ordinary) academic scholarship to the University, learning environment, specialty, specialization (group specializations OS "Bachelor" for 1 - year student of the 1st semester), successful scholar .

In case the scholar has the right to appoint several academic scholarships, paid a stipend largest size, unless otherwise provided by law.

Also, the university has a system to encourage the best students in learning, established and registered and paid personal grants (about 175), grants of President of Ukraine (5), the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (1), the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (4), name I.V.Kurchatova (2). In addition to the basic grants are allocated a scholarship in the amount of UAH 1000 "Energoatom" and personal grants graduate CPI MP D.Y.Andriyevskoho Ukraine.

In the CPI them. Igor Sikorsky held significant, important to the community socially oriented work. Orphans, students with disabilities, Chernobyl and student families with children are registered in DNVR with them is constantly working and assists.

Scholarships KPI them. Igor Sikorsky (size documents, questions - answers)
Provisional rules of appointment of academic scholarships

Some legislation:

Some question the payment of social scholarships to students (cadets) higher education institutions | Decree number 1045 | Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine | 28/12/2016
Higher Education | LAW OF UKRAINE
The procedure for appointment and payment of scholarships | Resolution N 882 | Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine | 12.07.2004
On establishing scholarships Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for talented young scientists | Regulation, Regulation number 774-V | Parliament of Ukraine | 16.03.2007
On the establishment of social Fellowship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for students teach

Все должно быть изложено так просто, как только возможно, но не проще. (Альберт Эйнштейн)

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