Monday, 16 September 2024
Bezvesilna Olena

Bezvesilna Olena - Doctor of Technical Sciences (1991), Professor (1993), Honored Scientist of Technology of Ukraine (1999), Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine (1994).


In 1972 graduated from the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, specializing in "Gyroscopic and Navigational Devices". In 1977 he defended a candidate's thesis, in 1991 - a doctoral dissertation. Professor of the Chair of Instrument Engineering (12.1991-05.1992), Head of the Faculty of Instrument Engineering (05.1992-06.2001), Head of the Main Accreditation Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (02.1996-08.1997), Professor of the Instrument Engineering Department (06.2001-the next time), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1999) Honored Professor of NTUU "KPI" (2007). He heads a special council on the defense of dissertations. Has formed a new scientific direction in mechanics: the development of the theory and principles of constructing a new aviation automated gravimetric system, the latest computer technologies for the study of natural resources of the Earth. Scientific supervisor of research work on the order of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Defense, NSAU on major problems of science and technology. Has trained 7 doctors and 13 candidates of sciences. Prepares 3 doctors and 3 candidates of science. Member of the editorial board "Bulletin of ZHDTU". Teacher-researcher of NTUU "KPI" (2006 - 016r.r.). Honored Professor of NTUU "KPI" (2007), Honorary Professor of ZhDTU (2011).


Author of 950 scientific articles. Of these, 35 monographs, 47 certificates of authorship and patents for inventions, 14 textbooks with a stamp of the MONU, 9 textbooks with a stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine since 1999. Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine since 1994. He is a full member of the New York Academy of Sciences since 1997.


Included in the biographical reference books "Who is Who in Ukraine", "Names of Ukraine", "Women of Ukraine", "Kievans", "Kiev Chronicle of the XXI Century", "Who is Who in NTUU" KPI ",


"Who is who in the world", Cambridge Center "Famous People of the 20th Century", "A successful woman of Ukraine", "Great Ukraine, 25 years of independence".


He was awarded the Medal "In memory of the 1500th anniversary of Kyiv" (1992), the Honored MESU "Excellence in Education" (1996) and the Honored Sign of the MESU "For Scientific Achievements" (2007), the Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (1997). ), the Certificate of Honor of NTUU "KPI" "For Scientific Achievements" (2007), I received the Gratitude of the Head of the Kyiv City State Administration (1998) and the Gratitude of the Kyiv Mayor for many years of fruitful pedagogical activity and high professionalism (2002), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1999), honored the Honored Professor of NTUU "KPI" (2007), ahorodzhena diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2011), State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology of Ukraine (2017).


Scientific direction: Scientific researches are devoted to fundamental and applied questions of mechanics of gyroscopic and navigational devices of moving objects, dynamics of aviation electromechanical systems.


The list of subjects that teaches:


Converters of physical quantities.

Scientific research in the field of metrology and information and measuring technology.

Scientific research in the field of automation and computer-integrated technologies.


Basic scientific works:


"Converting device devices. Technological measurements and devices "(2011);

"Scientific research in the field of measuring mechanical quantities. Information and Computer Systems and Technologies "(2010);

"Automated precision device for measuring angles" (2010);

"Methods for optimization of target function and identification of characteristics of precision navigation systems" (2010);

"Navigation System Navigation Systems for Moving Objects" (2010);

"Gravimeters and their exhibition" (2010);

"System of shock and vibration protection of a gyroscopic meter of angular velocity vector" (2009);

"Aviation gravimetric systems and gravimeters" (2008);

Elements and Devices of Automation and Control Systems (2008)

"Informational - computer systems and technologies. Experimental Studies in the Field of Measurement of Mechanical Values ​​"(2007);

"Converting devices for devices and computer systems" (2006);

"Technological measurements and devices" (2005);

"Measurement of gravitational acceleration" (2003);

"Measurement of acceleration" (2002);

"Information and Computer Systems and Technologies" (2007);

"Technological measurements and devices. Converting devices for devices and computer systems "(2007);

"Preparation of masters and performance of master's attestation work" (2006);

"CAD in diploma and course design" (2002);

"Means of measuring mass and weights" (1996);

"Wittometry" (1996);

"Transducer devices" (1994);

"Recording and recording device devices" (1993);

Bezveslennaya OM, Podchashinsky Yu.O., Korobiychuk IV "Gravimeter with Two-Dimensional Digital Processing of Measuring Information". 4 Conference Mechatronic Sestems and Materials 2008, Bialystok Poland, p.127-134;

Bezvesslya OM, Dobrzhansky O.O. System for Airborne Gravimetry. 4 Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials 2008, Bialystok Poland, P.124-126;

Elena Bezvesilnaya, Yuryi Podchashinsky, Alexandr Dobrozhansky. Requirements for airborne gravimetry system. Acta mechanica et antomatica. vol.3 no. 4 (2009);

Elena Bezvesilnaya, Yuryi Podchashinsky, Igor Korobyjchuk "Gravimeter with two-dimensional digital processing of measurement information" .Acta mechanica et antomatica. 4 (2009);

Bezvidnaya E, Podchashinsky Y. "Increase of accuracy of linear accelerometers due to artificial neural network". International Internet Scientific Conference on MECHANICS 2010, June 29-30, 2010.



Scientific guidance, achievements:


Has prepared 7 doctors and 13 candidates of sciences;

Engaged scientist of science and technology of Ukraine since 1999, academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, full member of the New York Academy of Sciences since 1997;

Awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Supreme Council of Ukraine (2011), the Signs "For Scientific Achievements" (2007), "The Excellence in Education" (1996), the certificates of honor of NTUU "KPI" "For Scientific Achievements" (2007), has been grateful to the Kiev Mayor for many years fruitful pedagogical activity, high professionalism (2002), chairman of the Kyiv city state administration (1998). Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education (1997);

Received the honorary title "Honored Professor" of NTUU "KPI" (2007);

Acknowledged by the engineer-researcher of NTUU "KPI" in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010


Scientific and organizational and social work:


It is headed by a specialized council for the defense of doctoral and master's theses.

He supervised research work in the interests of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Education, National Space Agency of Ukraine on the most urgent major problems of science and technology. Manages the researches of the MONU. Postgraduate students, doctoral students, undergraduate students are involved in the implementation.

He was invited to joint scientific work and lectures in foreign countries, was a part of the organizing committees and participants of authoritative international scientific and technical conferences.

From February 1996 to August 1997, he worked as the Chief of the Main Accreditation Department of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, was a member of the State Accreditation Commission of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine; Deputy Chairman of the methodological commission on instrument making; a member of the Scientific and Expert Council on Instrumentation of the Ministry of Education. He is a member of the organizing committee of the journal "Visnyk ZHDTU".

In what directories (editions) information is provided.


Included in the biographies of "Who is Who in Ukraine", "Names of Ukraine", "Women of Ukraine", "Kiyani", "Who is who in the world", the center in Cambridge "Famous people of the 20th century", "Who is Who in NTUU "KPI" (professors of NTUU "KPI"), "Scientific potential of Ukraine. Kyiv Chronicle of the XXI Century "," Successful Woman of Ukraine ".


Personal page of the teacher

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