Saturday, 27 July 2024
Nikitin Oleksandr

Нікітін Олександр Костянтинович

Nikitin Oleksandr - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor. Head of the department from 1989 to 1991.


Born in 1942. He graduated from the KPI in 1965, the department of PTM. The department works since 1976.


Since 1966 worked:


engineer designer;

junior researcher;

Senior Researcher;

associate professor;

Head of the department;

associate professor

Has 65 scientific works.


Scientific direction: Methods and means of measuring mechanical quantities.




Informative nature of physical processes;

Testing of devices;

Practical constructions;

Fundamentals of construction of precision mechanics;

Methods and means of measuring the parameters of technological processes;

Additional course of physics

Basic scientific works:


Korneva Yu.O., Nikitin O.K. "Classification of means for measuring mass flow of friable substances" // Bulletin of NTUU "KPI", Series of Instrumentation - 2007. Whip 33, pp. 70-75.


Scientific guidance, achievements:


Scientific guidance of 3 candidates of technical sciences;

Scientific supervisor of several topics that were held at the decision of the military-industrial complex.

Scientific and organizational and social work:


Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Trade Union Committee of NTUU "KPI".


Personal page of the teacher

Невежество - лучшая в мире наука: она дается без труда и не печалит душу. (Джордано Бруно)

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