Thursday, 12 September 2024
Andrieieva Olena

Андрєєва Олена Вікторівна

Andrieieva Olena - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

Born in 1944. Graduated from the KPI in 1969, the department of the GP of the PBF. At the department works since 1984. Has over 90 scientific works.

1973 - 1976 - works on scientific positions of the Department of Technical Cybernetics and studies on correspondence postgraduate study;

1977 - protects candidate's dissertation;

1977 - 1983 - works on scientific positions of the Department of Cybernetics of Power Systems;

1983 - receives the scientific rank of senior research fellow;

since 1984 Presently - Associate Professor of the Department of Instrument Engineering.

Scientific directions: Microprocessor measuring devices and systems; The latest information technologies in the construction of modern measuring systems.

Discipline that teaches:

Microprocessor technology;

Computer electronics;

Information technologies of computer-integrated systems.

Basic scientific works:

Has scientific articles in the central editions "Cybernetics and computer technology", "Automation and telemechanics", "Automation", etc., author's certificates, study guides, methodical materials on educational disciplines.

Scientific and organizational and social work:

Curator gr. PI-21.

Head of student's scientific circle "New Computer Technologies in Instrumentation.

Personal page of the teacher

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