The organization of scientific work of the NPP with students |
The organization of scientific work of the NPP with students through the website of the department Research work of students is organized through the Web site of the department. The website of the department is used for additional information and advice. The following scientific groups are organized and work at the department: only 4 and 4 research laboratories: - research and development of intellectual converters, the head of the assistant professor, Ph.D. Dubinets V.I. - 4 students are involved; - Research and development of photo systems, the head of the assistant professor, Ph.D. Nechay S.O. - 5 students are involved; - database and programming methods, supervisor, associate professor, Ph.D. Zgurovskaya L.P. - 4 students are involved; - research and development of the latest technologies in instrument making, the head of the assistant professor, Ph.D. Andreeva O.V. and Geraimchuk M.D. - 5 students are involved. The department has the following research laboratories: - laboratory of converting devices - the head of the doctor's degree, prof. Bezvesilna O.M. (involved -6 items); - Laboratory of Information Technology and Databases - Head Assoc. Zgurovskaya L.P. (attracted - 3 points); - Laboratory of designing instruments for pressure, acceleration and weight - Head of the Assoc. Nikitin O.K. and Dubinets V.I. (attracted - 3 items); - Laboratory of Instrument Design for Energy Saving Systems - Head Assoc. Korobko IV and associate professor Pisarets AV (involved - 4 items); The number of students participating in the GDR (with payment and without payment) -7 students of the Department of Instrument Engineering participate in the implementation of a / s NDR No. 2019: 2 masters of 2 years of study - Agratina, Dontsov; 2 masters of 1 year of study Shafinsk, Ivanchenko; 3 bachelors - Kozyukov, Bayburdov, Mordan. Of these 2 students with payment Shafinsk, Ivanchenko. Students participated in the organization and holding of international, all-Ukrainian conferences and seminars in 2017: - 16th International. Conference "Instrumentation: the state and prospects, May 16-17, 2017, Kyiv, PBF, NTUU" KPI "; 4 reports by students; - 10 scientific and practical conference of students and post-graduate students "A View to the Future of Instrumentation" May 16-17, 2017, Kyiv, PBF, NTUU "KPI"; all reports were submitted by students and with the publication of theses -10
With the participation of students, 5 papers have been prepared and made at the following International symposiums and conferences: 1.International scientific Internet conference "Information Society: technological, economic and technical aspects of formation" (issue 18), 2017/18 - April 11, 2017 2. 16 International Int. Conference "Instrumentation: the state and prospects, May 16-17, 2017, Kyiv, PBF, NTUU" KPI ". - 2 3. 10 scientific and practical conference of students and post-graduate students "A View to the Future of Instrumentation" May 16-17, 2017, Kyiv, PBF, NTUU "KPI" / 4. All-Ukrainian scientific and practical on-line conference "Technical sciences at the present stage" (devoted to the Day of science)
With the participation of students, 22 papers at scientific conferences were prepared and made. At the Department of Instrument-making, also for the intensification of scientific research, work places for masters are organized for conducting their research on the themes of master's theses. Young scientists of the unit who participated in the GDR №2019p: Kotlyar SS Publications see in the list of scientific works. |